John Doe


The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC) is an international effort by 21 research institutions to identify the function of every protein-coding gene in the mouse genome. The entire genome of many species has now been published and whole genome sequencing is becoming relatively quick and cheap to complete. Despite these advancements the function of the majority of genes remains unknown. To achieve this, the IMPC is systematically switching off or ‘knocking out’ each of the roughly 20,000 genes that make up the mouse genome. Subsequently, the knock out mice undergo standardised physiological tests (phenotyping tests) across a range of biological systems in order to infer gene function, before the data is made freely available to the research community on IMPC website. The overall aim of the project is not only to develop insight into the function of every gene, but also to provide transformative insights into the genetic basis of disease that will impact upon clinical diagnosis and management and ultimately prevent, detect, diagnose and treat disease.

The Czech Centre for Phenogenomics (CCP) is a large research infrastructure unique in combining genetic engineering capabilities, advanced phenotyping and imaging modalities, SPF animal housing and husbandry, as well as cryopreservation and archiving, all in one central location – at BIOCEV campus.

CCP is the only specialized place in the Czech Republic that, at the level of the world's best centres, creates genetically modified mouse and rat models for indispensable biomedical research and at the same time uses standardized but the most advanced phenotyping to characterize the expression of gene functions. CCP outputs are utilized solving the role of genes in the development and treatment of human diseases. CCP provides unique comprehensive preclinical research services in the Czech Republic. With the quality of service and publication results, CCP has gained a worldwide reputation, it has a strong position in international consortia such as the global IMPC (to determine the role of all genes), the European Infrafrontier, and EuroPDX. CCP is involved in a number of international scientific projects.

Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (IMG) is a leading Czech research institute in molecular biology and genetics with almost 500 employees working in 26 research groups, 9 core facilities, and 3 national large research infrastructures that provide a huge spectrum of services and expertise for research community: 1) the CCP, 2) CZ-OPENSCREEN, and 3) Czech-BioImaging. IMG established European Centre of Excellence BIOCEV together with other academic/university partners, accommodating now approx. 500 researchers.